Monthly Archives: May 2023

General version of Yolov8 export to ONNX at Colab

Replace the codes at with the following. For more info. check

!pip install ultralytics
from ultralytics import YOLO
from math import ceil

def compute_wh_yolo(skale, w_ori, h_ori):
  w_32 = int(ceil(w_ori * skale / 32.0))
  w_scaled = int(w_32 * 32)
  h_32 = int(ceil(h_ori * skale / 32.0))
  h_scaled = int(h_32 * 32)
  return w_scaled, h_scaled 

task = 'segmentation' #@param ["classification", "detection", "pose_estimation", "segmentation"]
if 'classification' == task:
  s_task = '-cls'
elif 'pose_estimation' == task:
  s_task = '-pose'
elif 'segmentation' == task:
  s_task = '-seg'
  s_task = ''

skale = 'nano' #@param ["nano", "small", "medium", "large", "xlarge"]
if 'nano' == skale:
  s_scale = 'n'
elif 'small' == skale:
  s_scale = 's'
elif 'medium' == skale:
  s_scale = 'm'
elif 'large' == skale:
  s_scale = 'l'
  s_scale = 'x'

#model_name = 'yolov8n' #@param ["yolov8n", "yolov8s", "yolov8m", "yolov8l", "yolov8x"]
#model_name = 'yolov8n-seg' #@param ["yolov8n-seg", "yolov8s-seg", "yolov8m-seg", "yolov8l-seg", "yolov8x-seg"]
model_name = f'yolov8{s_scale}{s_task}'
opset = 10 #@param {type:"slider", min:8, max:18, step:1}
input_width = 1080 #@param {type:"slider", min:32, max:4096, step:32}
input_height = 1920 #@param {type:"slider", min:32, max:4096, step:32}
downsample_ratio = "0.25" #@param [1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125]

input_width, input_height = compute_wh_yolo(float(downsample_ratio), input_width, input_height)
optimize_cpu = False
model = YOLO(f"{model_name}.pt") 
model.export(format="onnx", opset = opset, imgsz=[input_height,input_width], optimize=optimize_cpu)

%cd /content
from google.colab import files
fn_exported = f'{model_name}.onnx'
fn_download = f'{model_name}_opset_{opset}_{input_width}_{input_height}.onnx'
!cp '{fn_exported}' '{fn_download}'
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Posted by on May 17, 2023 in ONNX


Error about ‘split’ node of ONNX on importing to Barracuda

For example of Yolov8 nano version onnx which is created from , there was an error message as following when it was imported to the Barracuda.

According to , it is suggested to use opset version 9. So I had expriement on opsets of version 9, 10 and 11 and found opset 9 and 10 does NOT give the above error messge.

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Posted by on May 16, 2023 in Barracuda